Working Papers
The Benefits of Alternatives to Conventional College: Comparing the Labor-Market Returns to For-Profit Schools and Community Colleges
(with Christopher Jepsen, Peter Mueser and Kyung-Seong Jeon), August 2023
Evaluation of a New Job Training Program: Code Louisville
(with Christopher Bollinger), June 2023
Online Appendix for Evaluation of a New Job Training Program: Code Louisville
June 2023
State Merit Aid and the Supply Curve of Higher Education
(with Sam Glick), January 2023
Hospital Closures and Access to Emergency Care Measured by Patient Time in an Ambulance
(with SuZanne Troske, Sookti Chaudhary, and Alison Davis), November 2019
Ambulance Service Ownership and Management: How It Affects Quality of Service Delivery for Medicare Patients
(with Sookti Chaudhary, SuZanne Troske, and Alison Davis), January 2019
Published Papers
Trade and Labor Market Segregation in Colombia
(with Josh Ederington and Jenny Minier)
Review of International Economics, September 2024
Government-Supported Job Training in the US: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Moving Forward
(with Peter Mueser, Comments by Brent Orrell)
American Enterprise Institute/Brookings/Harvard the Workforce Futures Initiative, July 2023
How Will State-Run Auto-IRAs Affect Workers?
(with Timothy F. Harris and Aaron Yelowitz)
Journal of Retirement, Fall 2018
Second Chance for High School Dropouts? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Postsecondary Educational Returns to the GED
(with Christopher Jepsen and Peter Mueser)
Journal of Labor Economics, July 2017
Labor-Market Returns to the GED Using Regression Discontinuity Analysis
(with Christopher Jepsen and Peter Mueser)
Journal of Political Economy, June 2016
The Labor-Market Returns for Community College Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates
(with Christopher Jepsen and Paul Coomes)
Journal of Labor Economics, April 2014
Comparative advantage or discrimination? Studying differences in male-female labor market dynamics using displaced workers
(with Astrid Kunze),
Southern Economic Journal, July 2015
Estimating the Social Value of Higher Education: Willingness to Pay for Community and Technical Colleges
(with Glenn Blomquist, Paul Coomes, Christopher Jepsen, and Brandon Koford)
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, January 2014
Using Nonexperimental Methods to Estimate Program Impacts: A Guide to Evaluating Employment and Job Training Programs
(with Peter Mueser and Carolyn Heinrich)
IZA Journal of Labor Economics, October 2013
The Effect of the Timing and Spacing of Births on the Level of Labor Market Involvement of Married Women
(with Alexandru Voicu)
Empirical Economics, August 2013
Estimating Consumer Willingness to Supply and Willingness to Pay for Curbside Recycling (with Brandon Koford, Glenn Blomquist and David Hardesty)
Journal of Land Economics, November 2012
Addressing the Employment Situation is the Aftermath of the Great Recession
(with David Neumark)
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Winter 2012
Life-Cycle Patterns in Male/Female Difference in Job Search
(with Astrid Kunze)
Labour Economics, April 2012
Down from the Mountain: Skill Upgrading and Wages in Appalachia
(with Christopher Bollinger and James P. Ziliak)
Journal of Labor Economics, October 2011
A Nonexperimental Evaluation of WIA Programs
(with Heinrich, Carolyn J., Peter R. Mueser, Kyung-Seong Jeon, and Daver C. Kahvecioglu),
The Workforce Investment Act: Implementation Experiences and Evaluation Findings, Douglas J. Besharov and Phoebe H. Cottingham, eds., 2011
Joint estimation of sequential labor force participation and fertility decisions using Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques
(with Alexandru Voicu)
Labour Economics, January 2010
The Role of Temporary Help Employment in Low-wage Worker Advancement
(with Carolyn Heinrich and Peter Mueser)
Studies of Labor Market Intermediation, David Autor (ed.), 2009
The Impact of Welfare Reform on Leaver Characteristics, Employment and Recidivism: An Analysis of Maryland and Missouri
(with Peter R. Mueser and David Stevens)
Welfare Reform and its Long-Term Consequences for America's Poor, James P. Ziliak (ed.), 2009
An Examination of Incentives to Attract and Retain Businesses: Evidence from Kentucky
(with Christopher Jepsen and William H. Hoyt),
State Tax Notes, 2008
Using State Administrative Data to Measure Program Performance
(with Peter Mueser and Alexey Gorislavsky)
Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2007
The Effects of Welfare-to-Work Program Activities on Labor Market Outcomes
(with Andrew Dyke, Carolyn J. Heinrich Peter R. Mueser, and Kyung-Seong Jeon)
Journal Labor Economics, July 2006
Technology Adoption and Workforce Skill in U.S. Manufacturing Plants
(with Timothy Dunne)
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, July 2005
Welfare to Temporary Work: Implications for Labor Market Outcomes
(with Carolyn J. Heinrich and Peter Mueser)
Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2005
Wage and Productivity Dispersion in U.S. Manufacturing: The Role of Computer Investment
(with Timothy Dunne, Lucia Foster, and John Haltiwanger)
Journal of Labor Economics, April 2004
New Evidence on Sex Segregation and Sex Differences in Wages from Matched Employer-Employee Data
(with Kimberly Bayard, Judith Hellerstein, and David Neumark)
Journal of Labor Economics, October 2003
Market Forces and Sex Discrimination
(with Judith Hellerstein and David Neumark)
Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2002
The Relative Importance of Employer and Employee Effects on Compensation: A Comparison of France and the United States
(with John Abowd, Francis Kramarz and David Margolis)
Journal of Japanese and International Economies, December 2001
The New Worker Establishment Characteristics Database
(with Kimberly Bayard, Judith Hellerstein and David Neumark)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Establishment Surveys, 2000
Politiques salariales et performances des entreprises: une comparaison France / Etats-Unis, [Corporate Wage Policies and Performance: Comparing France with the United States]
(in French with John Abowd, Francis Kramarz, and David Margolis)
Economie et Statistique, Feb/March 2000
Increasing Wage Dispersion in U.S. Manufacturing: Plant-Level Evidence on the Role of Trade and Technology
(with J. Bradford Jensen)
Growing Apart: The Causes and Consequences of Global Wage Inequality, Albert Fishlow and Karen Parker, eds., 1999
Wages, Productivity, and Worker Characteristics: Evidence from Plant-Level Production Functions and Wage Equations
(with Judith K. Hellerstein and David Neumark)
Journal of Labor Economics, July 1999
Why are Racial and Ethnic Wage Gaps Larger for Men than for Women? Exploring the Role of Segregation Using the New Worker-Establishment Characteristics Database
(with Kimberly Bayard, Judith Hellerstein and David Neumark)
The Creation and Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data, John Haltiwanger, Julia Lane, James Spletzer, Jules Theeuwes, and Kenneth Troske, eds., 1999
Examining the Employer-Size Wage Premium in the Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Services Industries Using Employer-Employee Matched Data
(with Kimberly Bayard)
American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 1999
Evidence on the Employer Size-Wage Premium from Worker-Establishment Matched Data
The Review of Economics and Statistics, February 1999
The Worker Establishment Characteristic Database
Labor Statistics Measurement Issues, John Haltiwanger, Marilyn Manser and Robert Topel eds., 1998
Interfirm Racial Segregation and the Black/White Wage Gap
(with William J. Carrington)
Journal of Labor Economics, April 1998
Sex Segregation in U.S. Manufacturing
(with William J. Carrington)
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1998
On Measuring Segregation in Samples with Small Units
(with William J. Carrington)
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol. 15 (October 1997): 402-409.
Technology and Jobs: Secular Change and Cyclical Dynamics
(with Timothy Dunne and John Haltiwanger)
The Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, June 1997
Workers, Wages and Technology
(with Mark Doms and Timothy Dunne)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 1997
The Dynamic Adjustment Process of Firm Entry and Exit in Manufacturing, and Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
Journal of Law and Economics, October 1996
Using Longitudinal Data on Establishments to Analyze the Effects of Union Organizing Campaigns in the United States
(with Robert J. LaLonde and Gerald Marschke)
Annales D'Economie et de Statistique, June 1996
Gender Segregation in Small Firms
(with William J. Carrington)
Journal of Human Resources, Summer 1995