“George S. Tolley 1925-2021” with Richard V. Burkhauser and Donald S. Kenkel. The Palgrave Companion to Chicago Economics, Robert A. Cord, ed., Vol. II, Chapter 29 (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan,2023): 739-771. "Consumer’s Guide to Regulatory Impact Analysis: Ten Tips for Being an Informed Policymaker" with Susan Dudley, Richard Belzer, Timothy Brennan, Christopher Carrigan, Joseph Cordes, Louis A. Cox, Arthur Fraas, John Graham, George Gray, James Hammitt, Kerry Krutilla, Peter Linquiti, Randall Lutter, Brian Mannix, Stuart Shapiro, Anne Smith, W. Kip Viscusi, and Richard Zerbe. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 8,2 (Summer 2017): 187-204. “The Cost of Convenience: Estimating the Impact of Communication Antennas on Residential Property Values” with Stephen Locke. Land Economics (February 2016): 131-147. “Value of Life, Economics of” in the Economics Section edited by Tom Nechyba of the International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, James Wright, editor-in-chief, Vol. 25 (Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2015): 14-20. "Estimating the Social Value of Education:Willingness to Pay for Community and Technical Colleges" with Paul A. Coomes, Christopher Jepsen, Brandon C. Koford, and Kenneth R. Troske. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 5,1 (July 2014): 3-41. Preference Measurement in Health, co-editor with Kristian Bolin. (Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014). Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Volume 24 series edited by Michael Grossman, Björn Lindgren Robert Kaestner, and Kristian Bolin. “Value of Statistical Life” in Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead, eds., Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014). “Rosen, Sherwin” in Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead, eds., Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014)."Tolley, George S." in Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead, eds., Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood, 2014). “Estimating Consumer Willingness to Supply and Willingness to Pay for Curbside Recycling” with Brandon Koford, David Hardesty, and Kenneth Troske. Land Economics 88 (November 2012): 745-763. “Willingness to Pay for Improving Fatality Risks and Asthma Symptoms: Evidence for Children and Adults of All Ages” with Mark Dickie and Richard M. O’Conor. Resource and Energy Economics 33 (May 2011): 410-425. “Eliciting Willingness to Pay without Bias using Follow-up Certainty Statements: Comparisons between Probably/Definitely and a 10-point Certainty Scale” with Karen Blumenschein and Magnus Johannesson. Environmental and Resource Economics 43 (August 2009): 473-502. “Ecolabeled Paper Towels: Consumer Valuation and Expenditure Analysis” with Arun K. Srinivasan. Journal of Environmental Management 90 (January 2009): 314-320. “Smoke-Free Laws and Employee Turnover” with Eric Thompson, Ellen J. Hahn, John Garen, Don Mullineaux, Nola Ogunro and Mary K. Rayens. Contemporary Economic Policy 26 (July 2008): 351-359.Environmental Policy in the European Union: Fostering the Development of Pollution Havens?” with Lisa Cave. Ecological Economics 65 (April 2008): 253-261. "Eliciting Willingness to Pay without Bias: Evidence from a Field Experiment " with Karen Blumenschein, Magnus Johannesson, Nancy Horn, and Patricia Freeman. The Economic Journal 118 (January 2008): 114-137. "Compensating Differentials in Emerging Labor and Housing Markets: Estimates of Quality of Life in Russian Cities " with Mark C. Berger and Klara Sabirianova Peter. Journal of Urban Economics 63 (January 2008): 25-57. "Quality of Life " in A Companion to Urban Economics edited by Richard Arnott and Daniel McMillen (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006). "The Use of Contingent Valuation in Benefit-Cost Analysis " with John C. Whitehead in Handbook of Contingent Valuation edited by Anna Alberini and James R. Kahn (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006). " Self Protection and Averting Behavior, Values of Statistical Lives, and Benefit Cost Analysis of Environmental Policy " Review of Economics of the Household 2 (March 2004): 89-110. " Public Preferences for Program Tradeoffs: Community Values for Budget Priorities " with Michael A. Newsome and D. Brad Stone. Public Budgeting & Finance 24 (Spring 2004): 50-71. "Measuring Principals’ Values for Environmental Budget Management: An Exploratory Study " with Michael A. Newsome and D. Brad Stone. Journal of Environmental Management 68 (May 2003): 83-93. “Valuing the Arts: A Contingent Valuation Approach” with Eric C. Thompson, Mark C. Berger and Steven N. Allen. Journal of Cultural Economics 26 (May 2002): 87-113. “Economist and Editor George S. Tolley: A Special Issue in His Honor” Resource and Energy Economics 24 (February 2002): 3-11. " Taxes and Voluntary Contributions: Evidence from State Tax Form Check-off Programs " with Michael A. Newsome and Wendy S. Romain. National Tax Journal 54 (December 2001): 725-740. "Economics of Value of Life " in the Economics Section edited by Orley Ashenfelter of “Public Marginal Willingness to Tradeoff among Water Quality Programs: Estimates of Statewide and Watershed-specific Budget Values” with Michael A. Newsome and D. Brad Stone. Water Resources Research 36 (May 2000): 1301-1313. “Evaluating the Influence of Amenities on the Location of Manufacturing Establishments in Urban Areas” with Maury D. Granger. Urban Studies 36 (October 1999): 1859-1873. “Do Reminders of Substitutes and Budget Constraints Influence Contingent Valuation Estimates? Reply to Another Comment” with John C. Whitehead. Land Economics 75 (August 1999): 483-484. “Calibrating Hypothetical Willingness to Pay Responses” with Magnus Johannesson, Karen Blumenschein, Per-Olov Johansson, Bengt Liljas and Richard M. O’Conor. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 18 (April 1999): 21-32. “Experimental Results on Expressed Certainty and Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation” with Karen Blumenschein, Magnus Johannesson, Bengt Liljas and Richard M. O’Conor. Southern Economic Journal 65 (July 1998): 169-177. "Resource Quality Information and Validity of Willingness to Pay in Contingent Valuation" with John C. Whitehead, Resource and Energy Economics 20 (June 1998): 179-196. “Construct Validity of Dichotomous and Polychotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions” with Ju-Chin Huang, Richard C. Ready and John C. Whitehead. Environmental and Resource Economics 11 (1998): 107-116. “Measurement of Consumer-Patient Preferences Using a Hybrid Contingent Valuation Method” with Richard M. O’Conor, Journal of Health Economics 16 (December 1997): 667-682. “Hypothetical Versus Real Payments in Vickrey Auctions” with Karen Blumenschein, Magnus Johannesson, Bengt Liljas and Richard M. O’Conor Economic Letters 56 (1997): 177-180. "Measuring Amenity Benefits from Farmland: A Comparison of Hedonic Pricing and Contingent Valuation Techniques" with Richard C. Ready and Mark C. Berger Growth and Change 28 (Fall 1997): 438-458. “Healthy Lifestyle and Safety: An Expected Net Benefit Approach to Seat Belt Use” with Richard M. O’Conor and Ted R. Miller, Managerial and Decision Economics 17 (Sep.-Oct. 1996): 483-492. “Cardiac Transplantation: Costs and Ethics” with Michael Sekela, Martin R. Berk, Eugene B. Gallagher, John S. Thompson and Joseph Engelberg, Hospital Practice (February 15, 1996): 127-139. “Values of Risk Reduction Implied by Motorist Use of Protection Equipment: New Evidence from Different Populations” with David Levy and Ted R. Miller, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 30 (January 1996): 55-66. “Existence Value, Contingent Valuation, and Natural Resources Damages Assessment” with John C. Whitehead, Growth and Change 26 (Fall 1995): 573-589. "Do Reminders of Substitutes and Budget Constraints Influence Contingent Valuation Estimates?: Comment" with John C. Whitehead, Land Economics 71 (November 1995): 541-543. "Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Contingent Values: A Comparison of On-site Users, Off-site Users, and Non-users" with John C. Whitehead, Thomas J. Hoban and William B. Clifford, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (September 1995): 238-251. "Contingent Valuation When Respondents Are Ambivalent" with Richard C. Ready and John C. Whitehead, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (September 1995): 181-196. Reprinted as Chapter 12 in Environmental Valuation, Vol. 1, Kenneth G. Willis, Kenneth Button and Peter Nijkamp, eds. (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999). "Framework for Valuing Health Risks" with George Tolley, Donald Kenkel and Mark Berger in George Tolley, Donald Kenkel and Robert Fabian, eds., Valuing Health for Policy: An Economic Approach. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). "Contingent Valuation of Health" with Donald Kenkel and Mark Berger in George Tolley, Donald Kenkel and Robert Fabian, eds., Valuing Health for Policy: An Economic Approach. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994). "Testing for Nonresponse and Sample Selection Bias in Contingent Valuation: Analysis of a Combination Phone/Mail Survey" with John C. Whitehead and Peter A. Groothuis, Economics Letters 41,2 (1993): 215-220. "Sample Nonresponse Bias and Aggregate Benefits in Contingent Valuation: An Examination of Early, Late, and Non-Respondents" with Michael Dalecki and John Whitehead, Journal of Environmental Management 38 (June 1993): 133-143. "Mobility and Destination in Migration Decisions: The Roles of Earnings, Quality of Life and Housing Prices" with Mark Berger, Journal of Housing Economics 2 (March 1992): 37-59. "Measuring Contingent Values for Wetlands: Effects of Information about Related Environmental Goods," with John Whitehead, Water Resources Research 27 (October 1991): 2523-2531. "A Link Between Behavior, Information, and Existence Value," with John Whitehead, Leisure Sciences 13 (Summer 1991): 97-109. "Motorist Use of Safety Equipment: Expected Benefits or Risk Incompetence?," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 4 (April 1991): 135-152. "Benefit-Cost Analysis of a Kentucky DUI Accident Countermeasure Program," in M. W. Bud Perrine, ed., Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety held in Chicago, Illinois on October 24-27, 1989. (Chicago: National Safety Council, 1990). "An Affair of the Heart," with Jacqueline A. Noonan, John W. Greene, Jr., Eugene B. Gallagher, Alan K. David, Laurie L. Humphries, Susan Abbott and Joseph Engelberg, Hospital Practice 24,3A (March 1989): 71-94. "Valuing Urban Lakeview Amenities Using Implicit and Contingent Markets," Urban Studies 25 (August 1988): 333-340. "New Estimates of Quality of Life in Urban Areas" with Mark Berger and John Hoehn, American Economic Review 78 (March 1988): 89-107. Reprinted as Chapter 9 in Environmental Valuation, Vol. 1, Kenneth G. Willis, Kenneth Button and Peter Nijkamp, eds., (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999). "View-Oriented Amenities" in George Tolley and Robert Fabian, eds., The Economic Value of Visibility. (Mt. Pleasant, MI: The Blackstone Co., 1988). "Income, Opportunities and the Quality of Life of Urban Residents," with Mark C. Berger, in Michael G.H. McGeary and Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.,eds., Urban Change and Poverty. (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988). "Impacts of Air Pollution Control Strategies in Kentucky" with Frank A. Scott, Jr. and Mark C. Berger, Growth and Change 19 (Spring 1988): 40-55. "A Revealed-Preference Ranking of Quality of Life for Metropolitan Areas," with Mark Berger and Werner Waldner, Social Science Quarterly 68 (December 1987): 761-778. "A Hedonic Model of Interregional Wages, Rents and Amenity Values," with John Hoehn and Mark Berger, Journal of Regional Science 27 (November 1987): 605-620. Reprinted in Regional Planning, David A. Plane, Lawrence D. Mann, Kenneth Button, and Peter Nijkamp, eds. (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007). "Valuing Changes in Health Risks: A Comparison of Alternative Measures," with Mark Berger, Don Kenkel and George Tolley, Southern Economic Journal 53 (April 1987): 967-984. Reprinted in The Stated Preference Approach to Environmental Valuation Volume III: Applications: Benefit-Cost Analysis and Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Richard T. Carson, ed., (Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2007). Comment on "Economic Analysis of Nonrenewable Resource Supply: An Overview" by Michael A. Toman, in Managing Exhaustible Resources edited by Angelos Pagoulatos and Melanie A. Blackwell. Proceedings of the Southern Natural Resource Economic Committee meetings held in Lexington, Kentucky (November 1986): 13-14. "A Utility Maximization Model of Driver Traffic Safety Behavior," Accident Analysis and Prevention: An International Journal 18,5 (October 1986): 371-375. "Rehabilitation in a Rural Setting of a Young Quadriplegic Accident Victim," with Betty Lewis, Robert Flanigan, Alan Tempkin, Marcus Fuhrer, John Thompson and Joseph Engelberg, The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 58 (1985): 469-480. "The 55 MPH Speed Limit and Gasoline Consumption," Resources and Energy 6 (March 1984): 21-39. (now Resource and Energy Economics) "A Study of State Tax Incidences - The Kentucky Case," with William J. Stober. Revenue Administration, 1983: 189-197. Proceedings of the Fifty-First Annual Meetings of the National Association of Tax Administrators, New York City, June 1983. "Estimating the Value of Life and Safety: Recent Developments," in Michael Jones-Lee, ed., The Value of Life and Safety. (Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1982). "Specifying the Demand for Housing Characteristics: The Exogeneity Issue," with Lawrence Worley in Douglas B. Diamond, Jr. and George S. Tolley, eds., Economics of Urban Amenities. (New York: Academic Press, 1982). "Hedonic Prices, Demands for Urban Housing Amenities and Benefit Estimates," with Lawrence Worley, Journal of Urban Economics 9 (March 1981): 212-221. "Passive Restraints: An Economist's View," with Sam Peltzman in Robert W. Crandall and Lester B. Lave, eds., The Scientific Basis of Health and Safety Regulation. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981). "The Value of Human Life: An Empirical Perspective," Economic Inquiry 19 (January 1981): 157-164. "Water Quality and the Demand for Recreation," with Gideon Fishelson, International Journal of Environmental Studies 14, 4 (1980): 317-321. "Value of Life Saving: Implications of Consumption Activity," Journal of Political Economy 87 (June 1979): 540-558. Reprinted in Classics in Risk Management, W. Kip Viscusi and Ted Gayer, eds., (Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004). Comment on "Energy Demand Elasticity Estimates: A Case Study of the Household Sector," by G. Butler, J. Gale and A. Jambekar. Journal of Economics 5 (1979): 5. "Economics of Safety and Seat Belt Use," Journal of Safety Research 9 (December 1977): 179-189. "Energy and the 55 MPH Speed Limit - Preliminary Findings on Benefits and Costs." Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Illinois Economic Association, Chicago (1977): 12-19. "Government Policy and Migration: An Empirical Extension," with Richard J. Cebula, Review of Regional Studies 6 (Winter 1976): 70-75. "The Effect of Electric Utility Power Plant Location on Area Property Value," Land Economics 50 (February 1974): 97-100. "An Analysis of the Factors Related to the Variation of the Foreign Trade Proportion," The Developing Economies 8 (June 1970): 181-197. Book Reviews Informational Approaches to Regulation by Wesley A. Magat and W. Kip Viscusi. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 59,1 (1994): 128-131. Regulating the Automobile by Robert W. Crandall, Howard K. Gruenspect, Theodore E. Keeler and Lester B. Lave. Journal of Economic Literature 25 (June 1987): 782-783. Environmental Policy under Reagan's Executive Order edited by V. Kerry Smith. Environmental Review 10 (Summer 1986): 146-148. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Air Pollution Control by Robert Halvorsen and Michael G. Ruby. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (August 1982): 604-605. Economics of the Environment by Horst Siebert. Growth and Change 13 (April 1982): 56. |